Hong Kong Business Association Vietnam Donates 5 STEAM Classroom Libraries
On June 17th 2020, 5 STEAM Classroom Libraries were donated to Tường Lộc A Primary School in Vĩnh Long with the generous donation from Hong Kong Business Association Vietnam.
We are proud to have supported 115 students and 5 teachers with the beautiful addition to their newly renovated school.
Our journey to the school
Located in a remote district in Vinh Long Province, the school was 45 minutes drive from Vinh Long city center. There were two different routes to get to the school and the shorter route required us to take a rather small ferry. Since we also carried a lot of library items including 5 boxes of books and other educational equipments, we decided to take the longer route which led us to these beautiful paddy fields.
We finally arrived at the school. We were also amazed at the newly renovated school. As we entered the school yard, we could hear students practiced spelling with great enthusiasm. The students giggled and shared the excitement with their peers when they learned about the new bookshelf being placed in their class.
About Tường Lộc A Primary School
Tường Lộc A Primary School lies in the district of Tam Bình in Vĩnh Long province. This is a satellite school which had been renovated before Covid-19. Satellite schools, however, are often the last to receive additional funding for resources such as library. Through our pre-assessment, we found out that even before the renovation, the school neither had a room for a library nor any reading corner for their students.
Setting up the the library
Our volunteer quickly got to work! We set up the reading corners in each classroom and put on posters and maps. The local representative also gave us a hand while we were conducting the literacy program.
The big reveal!
A STEAM Classroom Library has more than one hundred books with a wide variety of topics: science, technology, engineering, arts, math, the environment, gender equality, bravery, and kindness. Each classroom also receives one STEAM experiment kit, a globe, maps, and educational toys.

We divides the reading corner into 3 large categories: Red Code – Top shelf (STEM Books); Yellow Code – Second shelf (Culture, History and Arts); Green Code – Bottom shelf (Skills, Storybook). First Grade Library receives a wooden alphabet so students can practice spelling with their peers. Students also have access to other educational toys including wooden block and LEGO. These toys will improve students’ creativity as well as encourage teamwork among students.
Our fun Literacy Program
After setting up the reading corner, our volunteer Mr. An introduced the new library to the students. Mr. An has been the most dedicated volunteer for The Library Project. His energy always lighten up the room and we often invite him to join us on every donation trip.
The students volunteered to read aloud the stories to their classmates. The students’ eyes sparked up as our young storyteller brought the story to life. During every Literacy Program session, we always walk the students through the library rules and how to select books. This way, students will be more confident in using and managing their own classroom library.
When asked to choose their favorite book from the classroom library, students rushed to the bookshelf. Their faces were full of excitement as they found a new book.
We asked students to share their favorite picture in the book with a friend. This prompted a lot of fun discussions where students can express their opinion and interest.
After the training, we ask the students to practice putting the books back on bookshelf based on the category. We also put up a regulation poster that would support students with using the library. Our team felt really proud that the students managed to remember the rules and return the books back to the right shelf.
While waiting for her parents to pick up after school, a young girl was curiously exploring the new library in her classroom.
Mr. Dũng, the school principal , was thrilled to see this beautiful addition to his school. He expressed his gratitude to our team and invited us to lunch with the teachers.
On behalf of our team and the school, we would love to send our thank you to Hong Kong Business Association Vietnam for their continued support to improve rural education!
About Hong Kong Business Association Vietnam
The Hong Kong Business Association Vietnam is a non-profit, non-governmental, and non-political voluntary Membership Association of Hong Kong business in Vietnam. HKBAV aims to facilitate interactions among its members in the domestic and international business communities in Vietnam and Hong Kong. Further, HKBAV is now a part of a global Business Association sharing a membership database with 44 Hong Kong Business Associations in 33 countries with over 13,000 individual associates.
HKBAV is dedicated to supporting education in Vietnam. Through the work of its Charity Committee and the support of its members, HKBAV has continuously supported The Library Project.
To date, HKBAV has donated 15 Reading Corners and one Reading Room, with a total of 3,770 Vietnamese children’s books, impacted 50 teachers and has given 689 students access to high quality educational resources to improve their literacy.
About The Library Project
The Library Project is a 501(c)(3) operating in Vietnam and China. We donate local language children’s libraries, conduct Literacy Programs and Teacher Trainings. We have impacted over 1 million children, trained over 30,000 teachers and donated nearly 2 million books so far. Learn more about our work here.
About The Library Project
The Library Project is dedicated to improving rural education in China and throughout the world by providing children with access to libraries, literacy programs, and teacher training. Since 2006, they have benefited over a million children and teachers in more than 3,000 schools. Their programs include Reading Rooms, Reading Corners, Literacy Bags, and STEAM Boxes, all designed to create educational spaces where children can learn and grow. The Library Project is committed to measurable impact and continuous support for rural elementary schools, kindergartens, orphanages, community centers, and the home. For more information, visit www.library-project.org.