Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. - Step 1 of 9TLP Team Member InformationName *FirstLastEmail *NextBlog Post TypeType of blog post *Financial Donation (New Donor)Financial Donation (Recurring Donor)Programmatic Donation (New Donor)Programmatic Donation (Recurring Donor)TLP Organization UpdatePreviousNextDonor InformationDonor name in English *Donor name in ChineseWill this blog post need to be pre-approved by the donor? *YesNoI don't knowPreviousNextFinancial Donation InformationFD: Donation amount (CNY)FD: Donation amount (USD)FD: Date of Financial donationLocation of the Program(s)FD: Where will the programs go?Elementary SchoolsKindergartensOrphanagesCommunity CentersChildren's HospitalsThe HomeFD: # of ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS to supportFD: # of KINDERGARTENS to supportFD: # of ORPHANAGES to supportFD: # of COMMUNITY CENTERS to supportFD: # of CHILDREN'S HOSPITALS to supportFD: # of HOMES to supportFD: Regions supportedAnhui 安徽省Beijing Municipality 北京市Chongqing Municipality 重庆市Fujian 福建省Gansu 甘肃省Guangdong 广东省Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region 广西壮族自治区Guizhou 贵州省Hainan 海南省Hebei 河北省Heilongjiang 黑龙江省Henan 河南省Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 香港特别行政区Hubei 湖北省Hunan 湖南省Nei Menggu Autonomous Region 内蒙古自治区Jiangsu 江苏省Jiangxi 江西省Jilin 吉林省Liaoning 辽宁省Macau Special Administrative Region 澳门特别行政区Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region 宁夏回族自治区Qinghai 青海省Shaanxi 陕西省Shandong 山东省Shanghai Municipality 上海市Shanxi 山西省Sichuan 四川省Taiwan 台湾省Tianjin Municipality 天津市Tibet Autonomous Region 西藏自治区Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 新疆维吾尔自治区Yunnan 云南省Zhejiang 浙江省Program TypeFD: What program type(s)?Reading RoomsReading CornersLiteracy BagsSTEAM BoxesBook DonationsFD: # of READING ROOMS to donateFD: # of READING CORNERS to donateFD: # of LITERACY BAGS to donateFD: # of STEAM BOXES to donateFD: # of BOOK DONATIONS (programs) to donateProgram Results & ImpactFD: # of STUDENTS planned to impactFD: # of TEACHERS planned to trainFD: # of BOOKS to donateFD: Additional information Visual Text PreviousNextDate of the Program(s)New: Program donation dateLocation of the Program(s)New: Where will the programs go?Elementary SchoolsKindergartensOrphanagesCommunity CentersChildren's HospitalsThe HomeNew: # of ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS supportedNew: # of KINDERGARTENS supportedNew: # of ORPHANAGES supportedNew: # of COMMUNITY CENTERS supportedNew: # of CHILDREN'S HOSPITALS supportedNew: # of HOMES supportedNew: Regions supportedAnhui 安徽省Beijing Municipality 北京市Chongqing Municipality 重庆市Fujian 福建省Gansu 甘肃省Guangdong 广东省Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region 广西壮族自治区Guizhou 贵州省Hainan 海南省Hebei 河北省Heilongjiang 黑龙江省Henan 河南省Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 香港特别行政区Hubei 湖北省Hunan 湖南省Nei Menggu Autonomous Region 内蒙古自治区Jiangsu 江苏省Jiangxi 江西省Jilin 吉林省Liaoning 辽宁省Macau Special Administrative Region 澳门特别行政区Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region 宁夏回族自治区Qinghai 青海省Shaanxi 陕西省Shandong 山东省Shanghai Municipality 上海市Shanxi 山西省Sichuan 四川省Taiwan 台湾省Tianjin Municipality 天津市Tibet Autonomous Region 西藏自治区Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 新疆维吾尔自治区Yunnan 云南省Zhejiang 浙江省Program Type(s)New: What program type(s)?Reading RoomsReading CornersLiteracy BagsSTEAM BoxesBook DonationsNew: # of READING ROOMS donatedNew: # of READING CORNERS donatedNew: # of LITERACY BAGS donatedNew: # of STEAM BOXES donatedNew: # of BOOK DONATIONS (program) donatedProgram Results & ImpactNew: # of STUDENTS impactedNew: # of TEACHERS trainedNew: # of BOOKS donatedNew: Additional informationVisual Text PreviousNextPast Programmatic Donation InformationPast: Years that the donor supported our workList years that the donor supported our workLocation of the Program(s)Past: Where did the program(s) go?Elementary SchoolsKindergartensOrphanagesCommunity CentersChildren's HospitalsThe HomePast: # of ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS supportedPast: # of KINDERGARTENS supportedPast: # of ORPHANAGES supportedPast: # of COMMUNITY CENTERS supportedPast: # of CHILDREN'S HOSPITALS supportedPast: # of HOMES supportedPast: Regions SupportedAnhui 安徽省Beijing Municipality 北京市Chongqing Municipality 重庆市Fujian 福建省Gansu 甘肃省Guangdong 广东省Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region 广西壮族自治区Guizhou 贵州省Hainan 海南省Hebei 河北省Heilongjiang 黑龙江省Henan 河南省Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 香港特别行政区Hubei 湖北省Hunan 湖南省Nei Menggu Autonomous Region 内蒙古自治区Jiangsu 江苏省Jiangxi 江西省Jilin 吉林省Liaoning 辽宁省Macau Special Administrative Region 澳门特别行政区Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region 宁夏回族自治区Qinghai 青海省Shaanxi 陕西省Shandong 山东省Shanghai Municipality 上海市Shanxi 山西省Sichuan 四川省Taiwan 台湾省Tianjin Municipality 天津市Tibet Autonomous Region 西藏自治区Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 新疆维吾尔自治区Yunnan 云南省Zhejiang 浙江省Program TypesPast: What program type(s)?Reading RoomsReading CornersLiteracy BagsSTEAM BoxesBook DonationsPast: # of READING ROOMS donatedPast: # of READING CORNERS donatedPast: # of LITERACY BAGS donatedPast: # of STEAM BOXES donatedPast: # of BOOK DONATIONS (program) donatedProgram Results & ImpactPast: # of STUDENTS impactedPast: # of TEACHERS trainedPast: # of BOOKS donatedPast: Additional informationVisual Text PreviousNextTLP: Organization UpdateTLP: Organization update informationVisual Text PreviousNextFile and Photo UploadFile and Photo Upload (Max 10) Click or drag files to this area to upload. 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